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Venture Investments
We utilize a dynamic mix of portfolios, staking, trading, capital investments, percent allocation, and DCA techniques.
We invest-in and hold digital assets, cryptocurrencies, tokens, company shares, and physical precious metals.
AUM Report Example
Luno II Results
Luno II (Public) Fund Raised a total of $93.3K - Luno II is up over +316.58% since March 31st when Luno II Fund Officially Closed.
Current Investment total is $67,454.66 - Valuation of Luno II has topped $281,000+
Screenshot taken June 2019:
A peek into Luno II portfolio holdings and performance.
June 2019
Luno I Results
Luno I (Private) Fund Raised a total of $2.81M - Luno I is up over +59% since the beginning of the year.
Some Projects we are invested:
Among many others...
We also work with the best in security
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